As we approach the 25th July, Saint James Day in the Julian calendar, there are groups all over Canada planning day walks and pot lucks to celebrate. Many of those attending will have recently returned from their first, second, third......camino. They have returned to meet with other pilgrims and to relive, in a way, that magic of the camino.
It is also at this time of year that we begin to receive requests about future hospitalero training sessions so that people can return to the camino and give back some of that magic to other pilgrims. The training that we offer is a two day session, from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon and prepares you well for offering hospitality to pilgrims in both Spain and France. The cost is $100, to offset the printing of handouts and all the food for the weekend. Just as the hospitalero is a volunteer position, the trainers volunteer their time to conduct this weekend. And like many volunteer activities, we get so much out of it, and have the opportunity to relive the camino.
We have two trainings this year: October 19 - 21 in Fredericton, New Brunswick (for the first time) and October 26 - 28 in London Ontario (for the fourth time). We will likely have another training in Victoria B.C. in March of 2013. To register for the training, please fill out the form found here.
Tom Friesen spent two weeks serving as a hospitalero in GraƱon in April and you can find his report here. You can also find links in the sidebar to the right of this page, other reports by hospitaleros over the years, and a typical schedule that we follow for the training weekend.
We hope you will join us. Many have found returning to the camino in the role of hospitalero, one of the most rewarding adventures of their lives!