Saturday, February 9, 2013

Training postponed until the fall

We are postponing the hospitalero training weekend to the autumn, when more people will be able to attend. It also gives everyone a bit more time to look at their calendars and manage a time period to go to Spain or France and serve.

As you know, we train past pilgrims to serve a network of albergues along the Camino Francés and the Via de la Plata that are overseen by the Federación Española de Asociaciones de Amingos del Camino de Santiago. There are other organizations and individuals to whom one can apply to volunteer as well:

The Confraternity of St. James in London operates the Refugio Gaucelmo in Rabanal and the Refugio de Peregrinos de Miraz on the Camino del Norte. They are currently looking for volunteers for this year for the refugio in Miraz. If you are interested, contact: Alan Cutbush alan at

The albergues in Foncebadón and El Acebo are assigned through Rafel Canseco : rkansas at

In Astorga there is the Albergue de Peregrinos Siervas de María, operated by the Asociación de Aminos del Camino de Santiago de Astorga. For ore information, contact: asociacion at

Please remember to let us know whenever you receive a posting so that we can include it on this blog.

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