Sunday, April 9, 2017

And more pilgrims transform to hospitaleros

Daphne and Mary enjoyed a full weekend, training 7 pilgrims to return to Spain to serve as hospitaleros. A very enthusiastic group and I'm sure all will receive postings within the next year.
Thank you for your service!
Remember to please let Tom or Mary know if you are assigned to an albergue and we'll update our list on this blog.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Dear friends

    We are a pilgrim organization managing an albergue in the Portuguese Caminho, 25km from the city of Porto ("Best European Destination" this year).
    It is placed in an old Monastery with beautiful surrounding and in 2015 we opened a Pilgrim Museum with the help from Americans on the Camino.

    We would like to share that we are open to welcome volunteer hospitaleiros in our albergue, preferably with previous training, and for a minimum of two weeks (period from before Easter till end of October).
    The volunteers do not have to do cleaning work, have the right to a private room with wc, and will receive 5€/day for pocket money.

    In 19-21 May we will host a training for hospitaleiros.

    More information can be found here:

    Can you please share this information?

    Thank you so much
    Warm greetings

    Pedro Macedo
    Albergue de Peregrinos do Mosteiro de Vairão - Caminho Português de Santiago
    Villa Valeriani - Associação de Peregrinos

  3. Hola Mary and Tom, I have been assigned to Viana from August 1 to 15, 2018. Gracias, Michelle (Edmonton)
