Monday, October 7, 2024

Report from the albergue in Salamanca

From Shannon Buchan, Victoria BC, currently in Salamanca:

I am half way through my volunteer time here in the beautiful city of Salamanca on the Via de la Plata and other routes as I have discovered. The albergue is a small one with only 16 beds.  I have had as few as two pilgrims one night to 12 on one occasion. I had been nervous as my Spanish is so basic but of the 53 pilgrims this week only 22 were Spanish. The rest have come from all over the world. Surprisingly no Canadians or Americans have come.

I have learned all the basic phrases I need to know to explain the workings of the Albergue and have created a couple of signs in Spanish. For all the other pilgrims it’s a combination of Google Translate and charades. 

I have now got into a routine. I normally get up with the first pilgrims and put out a few things for breakfast ( coffee, tea, yogurt, oranges, hard boiled eggs, madeleines)   This is totally optional at this  Albergue. There is only a microwave for cooking so the options are limited. I have figured out how to hard boil eggs in the microwave. Most of the pilgrims are totally self sufficient, bringing their own food. 

After I get everyone up and out ( the bicycle riders are usually last) I wait for the cleaner to come. Then I have from 9 am to 3 pm to myself to wander the city. Salamanca is a beautiful city with lots to do and see. The Albergue is in the old city so you are in the heart of the action.

The most common thing I have to decide is whether to let a pilgrim stay another day. The official policy is one day stay only. If a pilgrim is sick or injured there is no issue for me. The albergue does have a tiny room set aside for ill pilgrims. If a pilgrim just wants to sightsee I tell them there are many low cost accommodations nearby.  You will need to determine how you will handle this situation for yourself.

One problem which has occurred on many mornings is the pilgrim who will not leave. I tell them they must leave by 8 , there are signs saying the same thing.  Most days I have to get a pilgrim up and basically chase them out. Often a straggler will be here when the cleaners arrive after 9. The previous Hospitalero played loud music at 7 am. 

The Albergue is right next to a famous garden and many tourists visit here. Often they will try to ask me touristy type questions.  Luckily I can direct them to a tourist information place at the base of the cathedral about a block away.  

This last week has been a great experience. For the most part the pilgrims  have been kind and responsible. I have met some seriously hard core Camino walkers, like the ones who have already walked Seville to Santiago and are now on the return trip to Seville. I have also learned about the 6 other routes that go through Seville and have witnessed many Camino friendships that have arisen between pilgrims walking side by side. 

I am excited for my last week and to then get back on the Way myself.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

13 more Hospitaleros ready to serve pilgrims

We had a very busy and fun Hospitalero training session in Victoria, the weekend of September 13-15.  As well as the regular curriculum, we were able to speak, via WhatsApp video, to Judy from Victoria and Janine from Sydney, Australia, who were nearing the end of their service at Guacelmo in Rabanal. Our group in Victoria were just finishing their breakfast and Judy and Janine had finished serving cake and tea in the garden of the albergue and would soon be on their way to a celebratory G&T at the bar. If you'd like to ready about their time there, you can read Judy's blog:   We also had a presentation from Calvin and Jeannie who had served in Villalcazar de Sirga, in 2016. They have such wonderful memories and in their presentation covered a couple of topics: Getting along with the townsfolk and Providing a warm welcome at the albergue, as well as some interesting adventures.  Unfortunately, this albergue is no longer on the list of those at which we volunteer, but I believe it is typical of albergues in small towns on the Meseta. 

Below is a photo of the new hospitaleros with trainers Mary, Terry and Shannon. Thanks to all for making this such a great weekend.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Training session in September in Victoria


 Hospitalero Training
Sept 13-15
Victoria, BC

Thank you for your interest in training to be a hospitalero/a. If you have walked or cycled the Camino de Santiago to Santiago de Compostela and now feel a need to give back to the Camino a bit of the generosity and kindness that you met on your journey, then this course will open the doors for you. We guarantee that it will be a weekend of fun, learning, and reinforcement of all those things you learned and felt on the Camino. And as you know, it's always great fun reliving the Camino!


Please complete this form and return it with a cheque or etransfer for $125.00 or your donativo (what you feel you can afford) payable to Mary Virtue, 78 Linden Ave., Victoria, BC V8V4C8 Any money left after the expenses (course materials, postage etc.) for the weekend will be donated to an albergue or hospitaleros voluntarios which staffs many albergues on the Camino.









Any food restrictions we should be aware of?


When did you walk/cycle the Camino?   Month and year(s) please.


Why do you want to be a hospitalero/a?


Are you prepared to volunteer for 15 days in 2024 or 2025? (The Federation assigns volunteers from the 1st to the 15th of the month of the 16th to 30th/31st . You should show up a day early to “learn the ropes” and for a smooth transition at the albergue.)


Experienced hospitaleros will be conducting the training  They are: Daphne Hnutiak (Vancouver) and Mary Virtue (Victoria), If you have any questions, please email Mary.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Hospitaler@ News Spring 2024

Last year well over 40 postings were attended by Canadian trained hospitaler@s. We posted the first name and location of those we knew about and are aware that other experienced hospitaler@s went back to serve in Spain, France, Portugal or Italy. 

As of this writing there are over 30 “destinos” which will be attended to by Canadian hospitaler@s in 2024. If you are serving this year, can you please contact Mary Virtue (maryvirtue(at) or Tom (tomfriesen50(at) We will put your first name, location and dates on this blog. This may aid in knowing who is serving at the same time. Some hospitaler@s have managed to meet, debrief or support each other in this way. 

Last year we designed a t-shirt to be given to hospitaler@s. It is available free of charge to those who will serve or have served. Contact Tom if you would like one. Please give me your size and the address to mail it to.

We offered a hospitaler@ training in Gatineau in mid-January and were gratified that more than half of the participants have already been assigned a hospitaler@ posting. There are more training courses planned for Fredericton, Kelowna and London. Follow this space for notice and to register. To receive an application to register, please contact Mary or Tom.

Thursday, August 31, 2023

A report from the Camino Primitivo

30th August, 2023.

Polo de Allende, Spain.

Only 4 hours after we arrived at Polagrino Albergue, Camino Primitivo, we leapt into action to serve 15 pilgrims for dinner.

We were expecting maybe 6 pilgrims to come, but people kept coming because of the rain. By 8, we had 15 very cold and hungry pilgrims waiting to be fed, a full house. 


At this albergue, we are not only doing the usual house keeping duty, we are also need to cook vegetarian meal for whoever want to join in. 


We arrive the day during a switch over day, so luckily other hospitalerors quickly brought us up to date. The house keeping part isn’t tough, normal task one needs to do at home. 


If you are stationed at an albergue that needed to cook for a large crowd, work out a menu that is delicious and easy to put together. Our to go menu is: mixed salad, lentil soup, bread and vegetable pastas. Salad and soup can be made ahead. Pasta can be boiled ahead to al dente then rinsed with cold water to stop it continuing to cook. Sauce also can be made ahead and keep it warm. About half hour before dinner, warm up the sauce. Boil a big pot of water and once the water is hot, put to pasta back in for a few minutes to warm up, then serve. To save time, we always use the kettle to boil the water.


Don’t make everything last minute. Makig food ahead of time can save a lot of stress when 15 hungry mouths are waiting. Also you can visually portion everything when they are cooked ahead of time. In case you need more food, add stuff to your salad, like canned corns or canned white beans. We always make more so we can have the leftover for the next day, if there is anything left.


This albergue has an instruction sheet on all tasks, make it very easy for referencing. 


Be prepared to have a lot of downtime. You aren’t working all the time at the albergue. Bring a book, learn Spanish, do a painting. You need something to occupy your time as some albergues are located at tiny villages with not much to do, like this one we are at.


Divide tasks in among of hospitaleros. If you can’t cook well, try food prep and let someone else who can cook well to do the cooking. Or stay out of the kitchen and do clean up instead. One person can do changing of bed sheets while the other one mops the floor. It creates less conflict when tasks are divided.


Spend time talking to pilgrims. Everyone brings something unique to the table. Some people aren’t the chatty type, respect that and give them space. 


Bring something that you think will be nice addition to the albergue. We brought Canadian pins to give out. I brought Montreal Steak spicy for cooking. Previously I have brought curry powder to make curried potatoes. We also brought heavy duty house gloves for washing dishes and cleaning yucky stuff. Not every albergue stocks gloves. Leave them for the next crew.


A warm welcome and smile goes a long way.


Dennis Tam


Friday, June 16, 2023

Training sessions across Canada

You have walked the Camino de Santiago and enjoyed staying at donativo albergues. They were usually located in "quaint - older" places but you enjoyed the convivial atmosphere among pilgrims that made you feel mentally refreshed in the morning when you left.

Did you know that much of the positive energy generated in these albergues comes from well trained volunteers called Hospitaleros who offer their services free of charge and live at the albergue for 15 days?  Hospitaleros serve pilgrims in a spirit that has endured since the X century, and they become part of the local community during their stay.

There are training sessions being offered across Canada this year. If you are interested in returning to Spain as a hospitalero and would like to take the training, please know that (a) hospitaleros are needed (b) you would be expected to serve within 12 months of taking the training.

The Calgary Chapter of the Company of Pilgrims will offer a hospitalero training session this year (2023) on November 18 and 19 If there is interest. Participants will be limited to 15 people.

Contact Monique Rigole, Calgary Hospitalero training coordinator if you are interested in taking the course.

The Victoria Chapter will offer training on the weekend of September 1-3. Please contact Mary Virtue if you are interested and she will send you an application form.

The Sasktooon Chapter will be hosting a training session, led by Tom Friesen on the weekend of August 18-20. Again, please contact him directly for an application form.

Tom is also presenting training sessions in London next weekend, June 23-25 and in Ottawa sometime in January/February 2024.

Please check out the pages on the right to see more about the training and to also see where our Canadians are serving this year.

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Hospitalera Report from El Burgo Ranero

This just in from Caroline Laing, one of our newest hospitaleras:

Happy Easter!! 😄✨🌸

✨HAPPY EASTER everyone!✨

So, I’ve been here now in El Burgo Ranero since March 30th, serving pilgrims on the Camino Frances as hospitalera voluntaria. My little home away from home is located between Sahagun and Léon, in the Castillan y Léon province of Spain. I am by myself here, welcoming between 8 and 19 pilgrims so far each day. I open the albergue at 1 and folks arrive one by one or in pairs, throughout the afternoon- each one having walked at least 18km since the last main town (Sahagun).
Their body language tells it all- tired, sore feet, some with new blisters.
I’ve treated a few feet!

« Holà buenos dias! Bonjour, et bienvenue! Welcome, come on in, have a seat. Buon giorno! Guten Tag!…. » My Korean is pretty well non-existent 😕!lol
They all gratefully accept a candy .

I register their name, passport or ID card #, and stamp their credencial or pilgrim passport. « Where did you start your journey? Where did you walk from today? It’s 1€ for your sheet/pillow case (disposable), and this albergue is ´donativo’. We suggest you give what you’ve been paying in the past days. This helps maintain our facility. ThNk you so much! 
« Let me show you around: leave your hiking sticks there in the corner basket, you can leave your boots/shoes here. Please help yourself to a cup of tea or infusion in the kitchen. Laundry? You may use the second sink in the kitchen or this facility outside. Lots of clotheslines. Let me know if you need more clothespins. 
Showers, toilets, sinks are here. The beds are upstairs- 4 dorms . Choose your bed! And have a good rest.
If you need to cook, the kitchen is equipped with a stove top, microwave and small toaster grill. Otherwise there are 2 restaurants across the street. They do offer a pilgrim menu for 13€ (approx $19) two-course meal incl dessert and red house wine and bottled water.
Enjoy your stay! » 😁🎒

Pilgrims come in different shapes and sizes, languages…..
Young and old…But all glad to be warmly welcomed. Mi casa es su casa. Indeed, I consider this my home while I’m here.

I like to chat with them - find out a bit about their life…   « Where do you live? »
And let people open up…..
It’s been an incredible opportunity to gently encourage… Some are between jobs, some are walking as a way to clear their heads and figure out their lives.

They come in, greeted by music softly playing through my little portable speaker!(glad I purchased at Costco!). I prepared several playlists on Spotify (no-ad account!!) before leaving Fergus. All Christian music : instrumental guitar, instrumental piano…. And Taizé music (google it!) which I put on at 7 am to gently wake ppl up! At least those who aren’t up yet 🥱

Every morning I make a fire 🔥 in the old fireplace… It’s chilly still.
Some pilgrims prepare their own bfast (food they brought the day before), others go to the restaurant across the street which opens at 7 am. A big cup of cafe con léche and a tostada! 
They’re on their way by 8 at the latest.
I say goodbye to each one- by name. It’s important to remember their names. 
I’ve even offered a prayer or a word of encouragement…. You can tell those who need it. Thank You Lord.
Breakfast for me.
Clean - sweep, wash floors, empty out garbage and take to corner garbage and recycling bins.
My own personal laundry. Sun and wind dry things fast.

I may have some time to walk over to the little store attached to the one gas station, and load up on more candy for my guests!
I go in across the street and say hello to the staff/owners: Monica, her mom Julia and Theo; to Loreina, her fiancé Victor, his mom Charro, and owner Santi (short for Santiago).

Everyday someone brings me a hot lunch - prepared and delivered by another local restaurant and organised by the town (they look after their hospitalera!) Thankful.

Time to get ready for the next group of Pilgrims…. « Lord, give me favour with each one. Keep them safe on their way here and help me to be your hands and feet to each one who comes in . »
Put on music… Music that speaks of Who God is…. Our living Hope.
May I serve ´enthusiastically out of love for Jesus and gratitude for all He has done.’ Alléluia. 
Serve one another through love. 
Gal. 5:13

Happy Easter!





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